Chicks + Muscles

Every time someone posts a photo of an athletic woman who's lifted more than her handbag and eaten more than cigarettes and dust bunnies, you can count on blowback from the knuckledraggers.

"Her muscles are gross."

"That's not feminine."

"She looks like a man." (Even when it's not even CLOSE to the truth.)  

Or, from the ones who think they're sooo funny: "His hair is kinda long."

None of the comments are polite. Most are unintelligent. Often, they're crude.

But, really, what is the big flipping deal?A girl has muscles. A woman has muscles. Somebody has muscles. Somebody is out there, doing good things for themselves and their bodies. Functional fitness happens to have some cool side benefits, like guns.

Get over it already.

This attitude should have died years ago. Chicks with muscles are hot.

And, more than that, if you don't agree? Well, we really don't care. See ya at the gym. 


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